Green Sports Day is your chance to be a game-changer for sustainability. Teams and leagues across the globe are already taking bold steps to go green—and now it's your turn to join in. Whether it’s reducing your carbon footprint or supporting eco-friendly practices, your passion can fuel real change. Let’s show the world that sports fans don’t just watch history, we make it. Get involved today, and together, we’ll score a victory for the planet!
The Eco Sneakers Journey:
From Donation to Repurposing
Eco Sneakers, a local nonprofit, meticulously sorts through the collected shoes to determine their next best use. Lightly worn pairs are donated to those in need, including children in poverty both locally and internationally. Shoes that have seen better days are given a new life in creative ways—ground up for playground and track padding, transformed into new sandals, used as stuffing for pet beds and stadium seating, or even fully recycled into stuffed animals. Eco Sneakers even has a children’s book and matching Plushie to detail a shoe’s journey from trash to treasure.

For Social Media, encourage your participants to post themselves donating their sneakers! Tag us on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram!
The links are: FB: EcoSneakers, X:eco_sneakers, Instagram: EcoSneakers
Hashtags: #PairITForward #BeAShoeGooder #GivingSoles4Good #SaveWaterDon8Shoes #TwoSolesAtATime #HealTheWorld #MakingTheEarthSmile
We're excited about our collaborations!
Did you know that it takes over 2,250 Gallons of water to make 1 pair of sneakers!?!
At Eco Sneakers, our goal is to bring awareness on how repurposing sneakers/shoes conserves water and keeps shoes out of our landfills, and as a result, out of our groundwater and our soil (and our bodies!).
For success in your sneaker collection, follow these simple steps:
1. Plan, Market & Recruit: Work with members of your organization and your Eco Sneakers coach to create your message and decide how to spread the word. Recruit team leaders to head the drive.
2. Kick-Off Your Drive + Social Media: Let everyone in your neighborhood and/or business community know about your sneaker collections.
3. Place your boxes in places where participants can drop off their Used Not Abused or New sneakers. When the boxes are filled, we'll arrange the pick-ups.
Scan the Below QR Code for your Shipping Labels and Further Instructions.