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Sustainability in Sports
3,000 pairs of Lebron James shoes combine to make the subflooring of a basketball court.
65,000 pairs can be used to create a football field or running track.
Shredded sneakers can be used as playground mulch (Ex: Poncey Highlands Playground)
Sneakers can take up to 1000 years to dissolve in landfills.
400 million pairs are put in landfills yearly. To date, we've collected over 300,000 pairs!
World Downhill Ski Championship - The top international contest for this sport releases 800,000 tons of CO2 into the atmosphere.
Socceer World Cup - This yearly tournament emits 2.75 million TONS of CO2 into the atmosphere.
According to estimates, during these events, this impact is seven times higher than normal, as journeys, the creation of rubbish and the consumption of energy, food and water all spiral.
Rugby World Cup - The competition between the world's best teams emits 570,000 toms of CO2 into the atmosphere.
The Mt. Everest Climb Overcrowding
The countless expeditions that climb this rock and snow colossus each season generate so much rubbish that in 2019 11 tons of abandoned sports equipment and litter was removed from the mountain and its surrounding area.
The Olympic Games - During this event 3.4 million tons of CO2 can be emitted into the atmosphere.
The London Marathon - in 2019 runners left behind 350,000 plastic bottles scattered along the city's roads.
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